Rice Creek School News
Important news about Rice Creek School
Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que nuestra escuela va a poner en práctica un programa llamado el Sistema de la Casa de este año. Este sistema fue creado por la Academia Ron Clark (RCA), y tiene un historial probado de la creación de un clima escolar positivo y la cultura que es abrazado por los estudiantes, el personal y las familias.
We are excited to announce that our school will be implementing a program called the House System this year. This system was created by the Ron Clark Academy (RCA), and it has a proven track record of creating a positive school climate and culture that is embraced by students, staff, and families.
This week you are receiving the District Family Engagement Policy, the School Family Engagement Policy, your student's grade level School-Family Compacts, and a School-Family Signature page.