RCS Learning Commons-Media Center
Learning Commons Purpose
The overall purpose of the Rice Creek School media program is to assist and encourage students and faculty to find and use the media resources and materials available to them.
In the Learning Commons, we constantly strive to serve as a vital member of the school. The Learning Commons serves as a learning laboratory, where resources for the development of learning are available for students, faculty, and community members.
Our main objective is to have the total involvement of the Learning Commons personnel and the total integration of Learning Commons resources into the school’s curriculum.
Students staff and parents are welcome to browse our collection and utilize the many services we have to offer.
Every Students must have an individual pass from a teacher to enter the Learning Commons.
Students must have an ID (once they have received one)to enter the Learning Commons.
Students must sign in upon entering the facility.
Gum, candy, food, and drink are not allowed.
Replacement ID cost is $5.
Library Media Staff
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